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Amina Saïd
Walking the Earth

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WTE poem

This is a book of poems that cycles and repeats, it is an enigmatic road. Footsteps, paths, a vacuous sky, an elusive destiny. It could be the anomie of modern life, or even a post-apocalypse. To live, to keep walking, is the quiet exhortation: “Here begins the very hesitation / that obliges them to live.”

   “A body separated from its soul.” Blankly denotative images, especially this one, nonetheless elicit a sound, a type of call. They posit a space, an emptiness — and this void is analogous to the emptiness this poetry fills. That is, in the bleakness, the hollowness, something rings. Walking the Earth is the various resonances of that most distilled, human, and enduring sound.

Title Info

Amina Saïd

Walking the Earth (2024)

Translated by Peter Thompson

Preface by Hédi Abdel Jaouad

ISBN: 978-1940625-68-3

USD $20.00

Forthcoming August 2024

Review copies available now

*For a review, desk copy, or interview request, write to:


P. O. BOX 1326, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10276 – USA



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